Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

My Experience

When I was in grade 4 elementary school was so cute HAHA :D
.And still so easy to make the lie to
 Was all excited about Nyi Roro Kidul who are looking for the missing green shawl.
 Myth many small childern were killed by Nyi Roro Kidul.

At that time a lot of kids my age that makes the water colored red, yellow and green as an antidote to Nyi Roro Kidu.The water was made of dye clothing and wrapped in plastic and shaped like a doll.
 I put the water puppets lined the front door. Nyi Roro Kidul supposedly afraid of the water pupets.

6 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  2. Nama :Dewi.yulianti
    recount nya sudah bagus tapi da yang kurang seperti tanda titik diperhatikan,penulisan looking harusnya looked tus apalagi yeah...:/
    hhm..tulisan still-stilled
    udach cukup itu saja:) thanks you

  3. reviewer: yudha agiel
    kalimat-kalimatnya banyak yg slh, tp aq bingung mbetulinnya, yg 'And still so easy to make the lie to' it maksutnya ap ya...?
    d paragrafh ketiga it gk perlu ad kta "that" deh kayknya, lsg aj makes..
    @dewi yulianti, still at ap kta kerja, kok jadi stilled?? :D
